Become a Member of NODSS
Why Become a Member?
Membership of NODSS Australia entitles you to our bi-monthly publication "The Reveille" which contains up to date articles on sleep disorders and how to live a full life with sleep disorders. Members also have access to the NODSS Facebook Group, which is a safe environment for members to share with other people who have sleep disorders and understand what it's like. All members are also welcome to attend our bi-monthly meetings in Melbourne with guest speakers.
How Much Does it Cost?
Annual membership fees are $40 for singles or families and $30 concession. These fees help to support NODSS services, including the collation and publication of new material for the benefit of members and the medical community and our counselling line. NODSS has also been active in raising awareness of sleep disorders amongst the medical community in Australia.
How do I Join?
Please right click on the link below and select "Save Target As".
Fill out and send the form with payment to NODSS at P.O. Box 100 Rosanna, Vic. 3084 Australia.
Payments can be made by cheque made out to 'NODSS Australia' or by postal money order. Please do not send cash money through the post!
If you need to make a direct bank deposit/electronic transfer our account details are:
- BSB: 063-185
- Account: 1019-4597
Please use your SURNAME as the transaction ID if making an electronic payment.
Note that all publications (articles/papers/books/magazines/etc) are subject to Copyright law. ©Copyright is held by NODSS Narcolepsy and Overwhelming Daytime Sleep Society of Australia, or otherwise as noted. Material on this website is intended as a source of general information only. It is not to be used for diagnosis or treatment. NODSS Narcolepsy & Overwhelming Daytime Sleep Society of Australia. ABN 74 098 031 595
Questions or problems regarding this website should be directed to the webmaster.