Links to Other Resources

The UK Narcolepsy Group (UKAN)

UKAN is a Narcolepsy support group in the UK which provides up to date information and relevant support for sufferers. If you have Narcolepsy and live in the UK, try here.

Narcolepsy Network

Narcolepsy Network is a Narcolepsy support group in the USA which provides up to date information and relevant support for sufferers. Narcoepsy Network has done some great work with raising public awareness in the USA about Narcolepsy. If you have Narcolepsy and live in the USA, try here.

"Teenage sleep: Understanding and helping the sleep of 12 - 20 year olds." an e-book by Prof. Dorothy Bruck

This e-book is a publication of Vicoria University and has a wealth of information on a broad range of topics concering adolescant sleep and sleep problems.

If you find another online resource that you feel should be here, feel free to suggest a link. Please note that advertising material will be ignored.

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Note that all publications (articles/papers/books/magazines/etc) are subject to Copyright law. ©Copyright is held by NODSS Narcolepsy and Overwhelming Daytime Sleep Society of Australia, or otherwise as noted. Material on this website is intended as a source of general information only. It is not to be used for diagnosis or treatment. NODSS Narcolepsy & Overwhelming Daytime Sleep Society of Australia. ABN 74 098 031 595

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